Pakistan's First Free Mobile Wallet - SimSim Pakistan

SimSim Pakistan by Finca start the new mobile wallet in Pakistan for free. It's new way to transfer money from one smartphone to others. It is not complicated at all, just make a transaction by scanning the QR Code and your balance will be transferred. SimSim is connected to other banks through 1-link for quick transfer and also ATM card are available for cash withdrawals.

SimSim Pakistan received regulatory approval from the State Bank of Pakistan. So don't worry for fraud. You can do more extra things with SimSim app, e.g. invite friends and family, pay bills, Mobile Top Ups, Buy Tickets, get Vouchers and much more. You can get update of better deals and discounts too by paying with SimSim Pakistan App.

'It's first free mobile wallet in Pakistan' that provides you automated process of transaction. You can download SimSim Pakistan App from the Google PlayStore and you can access directly from the below button.

Pakistan's First Free Mobile Wallet - SimSim Pakistan Pakistan's First Free Mobile Wallet - SimSim Pakistan Reviewed by Uzair on August 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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