Learn English With Andy - English Speaking Bot

Everyone wants to learn English Grammar or Vocabulary and Rules. But it takes a long time to learn English thoroughly. But if you are intrested to learn English from your Smartphones, then you should read this article completely because today we talk about an Android App Assistance that help you to Learn English from your Smartphone. So Here's the "Andy - English Speaking Bot" for you.

Andy is an app that help you to learn and practice your English. This is your personal Teacher and Friend. Learn English by actually using it in conversation. Chat with Andy - English Speaking Bot and learn new words, learn English Grammar and play language games with Andy. Practice day to day interactions like greeting, chatting about your days, events and much more. Andy will ask you questions that help you to learn English, Andy will also discuss on various topics like hobbies, Arts, Jokes and your Aims.

Andy will give you a short grammar explanation and test your understanding.
If you make a mistake Andy doesn’t just tell you the right answer but tries to explain why it is correct. Andy also corrects some mistakes in your messages when you're just chatting with Andy. You can ask definition of words. Also If you cannot learn it, Andy will explain you in a better way. Andy reminds you to review the words you have learned before you forget them.


Andy is always available for you, you can chat for 5 minutes or 5 hours it does not matter. Work on your listening and pronunciation skills with audios of the messages. Small and funny games that help you to learn new words and grammar. Feels like you’re talking to a real person, Andy is friendly, curious and amusing. Talking to a bot is easier than talking to a person, bot doesn’t judge you and you don't feel shy. Andy - English Speaking Bot is one of the best way to learn English at home from your Smartphone. You don't need to take classes, It's the best way for you to learn English with Bot. You Should check the Andy - English Speaking Bot from the PlayStore. 

Learn English With Andy - English Speaking Bot Learn English With Andy - English Speaking Bot Reviewed by Uzair on September 11, 2017 Rating: 5


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this interesting information. Lately, I was surfing the web looking for the same kind of news and I found it here https://qanda.typicalstudent.org/
